No. 9 How to write the reason for your application! (Resume / Curriculum vitae (CV))
Those in charge of hiring focus on the reason for your application. For those in charge of hiring, the reason for your application is a factor in determining how well the applicant understands the company and shows their personality. This article will explain how to write the reason for your application so that it will appeal to those in charge of hiring.

Writing the reason for your application
Before writing the reason for your application, preparation is needed. Confirm the following points.
Writing the reason for your application (Preparation)
It is important to express your strengths and personality in the reason for your application including why you want to work for the company and your vision for being successful at the company along with some evidence.
First of all, organize your thoughts based on the above four points.
In particular, analyze yourself to find a connection with the company.
Writing the reason for your application: You do not need to express what you want to do
It is easy to have the tendency to write about what you” want to do” at that company as your motivation.
However, you should refrain from writing about “what you want to do” in most of your reasons for applying for a job, because “what you want to do” is often something that can be done in common at other companies. The main focus of your motivation is to express yourself.
Compare the results of your self-analysis with the human resources needed by the company, and express your connection to the company in a way that the person in charge will find attractive.
Writing the reason for your application (Example)
The following is a specific example of a reason for applying based on the skills and values that a person has and their idea of how what they accomplished while in school is strongly linked to the company to which they are applying. Be sure to keep this in mind.
“I would like to be hired as an office worker at your company. When I was a student, I acquired various qualifications related to computer skills.
I am confident in my ability to process information quickly. My goal is to further improve my skills so that I can become an office specialist at your company”.
Those in charge of hiring will focus on the reason for your application including your specific vision for the future. Express your strengths and write an appealing reason for your application to the people in charge of hiring.
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