About the Center – 外国人材採用ナビ英語版

Tokyo International Recruitment Navigation Center


 > About the Center

About the Center

The Tokyo International Recruitment Navigation Center supports the success of international workers in connection with small and medium‐sized enterprises!

The Tokyo International Recruitment Navigation Center is a one-stop center established to help employ excellent human resources and improve productivity by promoting the active participation of international workers at small and medium-sized enterprises in Tokyo.
We are ready to help international workers with recruitment, retention, and active participation, and to provide opportunities for meeting and exchanging with international workers.

Service for companies

  • General consultation desk

    A counselor for recruiting and retaining international workers is always on site to provide free consultations on various issues such as hiring, status of residence applications, in-house acceptance systems, and advice for retaining and promoting participation after hiring.

  • Consultation with experts

    Twice a month, you can consult with experts in various fields free of charge. (About residence status, housing, communicating in Japanese, etc.)

  • Other services

    We offer various support for recruiting international workers such as matching events and recruitment know-how seminars.

Service for foreign nationals

  • Consultation desk

    A Global Career Navigator is on site to answer various questions related to job hunting in Tokyo such as ways to find jobs, how to write resumes, interview preparation, and career path planning.

  • Other services

    We hold events that are helpful for finding jobs such as matching events and job hunting seminars.


Useful spaces including a consultation counter and salon space are available.
These are open and relaxed spaces that are easy to use.

  • 1F Consultation desk

    Service for companies
    Specialists for international workers are ready to respond free of charge to various questions and concerns such as how to obtain status of residence, handle acceptance procedures, and establish an in-house acceptance system, as well as providing advice for promoting active participation after hiring.

    For foreign nationals
    We are ready to help international workers with questions related to job hunting in Tokyo such as on job hunting methods, resume creation, interview preparation, and career path planning. Please visit us.

  • 2F Seminar space

    Seminars for recruitment and promoting active participation of international workers are held for companies. Various events such as job-hunting seminars and exchange meetings with experienced people are held for international workers.

  • 2F Space for job seekers

    This space can be used for job hunting activities such as creating resumes and searching for jobs. You can also have someone check your resume, have practice interviews, and receive career counseling from center staff.
    [Equipment] Free Wi-Fi and power outlets
    [Reminder] We do not provide job offers. Please bring your PC.